Welcome to Our Community
The Oklevueha Native American Church of New York (ONACNY) community welcomes you with open arms and heart on your path to experiencing and exploring your inner Universe and feeling abundantly empowered through your choices to living a thriving, vibrant, loving, and soul satisfying life. We are a community dedicated to sharing urban shamanic ways with earth-based medicine ceremonies and workshops to connect, evolve, and transform into who we are becoming. Let us support your journey to unfold the gifts of who you are which are waiting for you.
We look forward to connecting with you. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related)
ONACNY medicine people and team
If you are interested in being part of the indigenous native spiritual heritage and walk the sacred way with us, or to participate in our sacred medicine ceremonies, we welcome you to join ONAC of NY Independent Branch Membership. Please send us a message below to inquire more information.
"Native American isn’t blood; it is what is in the heart. The love for the land. The respect for it, those who inhabit it; and the respect and acknowledgement of the spirits and the elders. That is what it is to be Indian."
~ White Feather, Navajo Medicine Man
Copyright © Oklevueha Native American Church of New York (ONACNY)| All Rights Reserved
Video by Cami Lee, website collectively designed with Love